Welcome to the Jungle

Trader Joe the crocodile.

Trader Joe the crocodile.

Katia had a homework assignment to write a story about stairs.  The title for her story was inspired by playing Guitar Hero! :)

I was in bed.  Bored.  Tired.  But I couldn’t get to sleep.  I was hot.  So I went to the closet to pull out the fan.  But I didn’t find clothes.  I found stairs.  Stairs that weren’t here before.

Being a very curious and brave person, I put a foot on the first step.  It creaked.  I went to the next one.  Then the next and the next.  Finally, light came out of no where.  It blinded me for a second.  Then my eyes adjusted.

Trees, plants, flowers, animals!  My sight was filled with a jungle scene.  Birds flew over my head.  Jaguars meowed a greeting to me from the trees.  Flies buzzed around my head.  I read about this place.  The Amazon!!!!!

I’ve always been a party animal all the time, so I joined the jungle fun.  I talked to the cheetahs, swung around with the monkeys, and relaxed in the sun.  I drank nectar with the bees, ran with the birds, and took a ride on a crocodile in the Amazon River.

Then, I remembered home.  I told my friends I had to go.  But I just couldn’t leave this life of luxury.  So I sat with the jaguars in the trees, drank nectar with the bees, and ran with the birds one last time.  The crocodiles escorted me home.  I ran down the stairs.  This time I didn’t care if they squeaked.  I had breakfast and went to school.  When I came home, I immediately finished my homework.  Then I rushed and opened the closet door.  Inside was dark.  But I heard a squeak.  It was the stairs.  I ran up the stairs, ready to play in the jungle again.

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