Boomtown, California: Letter From A 49er

This letter was for a  history assignment.  Katia had to imagine she was a 49er, traveling west for the California gold rush of 1849.  Using that frame of mind, she wrote a letter to her family back home.

Boomtown, CA

July 30, 1849

Dear Daddy,

Out here in Boomtown its quite noisy.  And very crowded too.  I left home for gold so I could help out with the family fortune.  My once neat brown hair is now a mop.  I’m heading off to California in search of yeller.

The journey was rough. I had to take the sea route. No more land wagons were available. Land and sea is too expensive. The ship I was taking always had a soaked deck from high waves. We also went through the Straits of Magellan which was very risky. I’m glad we made it!!!

Mouse Sketch

When I got to Sacramento City, there were rats everywhere! One climbed up my pants!!! I had $500 left. I bought four cans, rope, a tent, and a mountain canary. I set up a claim in Boomtown, using the four cans to form a square, and rope to circle them. I got the nick-name “Tough Rat” because of the rat that was on my pants. I went back to town the next day for a pick ax, shovel, flannel shirt, and pan. Then I was panning for gold, digging coyote holes, and finding yeller!

I struck it rich!! 37 gold nuggets, 5 gold dust bags, and a broken pan. I’m coming home with it all!!!

Your miner,

Tough Rat

The Life and Times of Katia

Katia had to make a time line of her life for a school assignment.  Her mom helped her with it.  It was interesting to see what milestones they picked out, which ones she remembered, and what she planned for the future. All I’m asking is “What happened to 2001-2004!? :)

To help you navigate the picture, here are the dates and events:

1999 – Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa 2:15 AM

2000 – Went to 1st Hockey game for the Carilina (sp) Hurricanes

2005 – Birthday at Color Me Mine and turned 6

2008 – Went to Iowa for a week

2009 – Watch Barak Obama become president

2010 – Hopefully having a good time in 5th grade

2018 – Hopefully I got a scholarship and going to college

Yes, sweetie, you will be going to college and we definitely hope a full ride scholarship is in place! :)

A Timeline From 1999 - 2018

A Timeline From 1999 - 2018

New Lunch Bags

Hey! Here are some lunch bags I’ve been meaning to add. I wanted to put them here in addition to adding them to the Lunch Bag Gallery so they’d be easier to find. Enjoy!

Bitmap Gallery is Online!

H-paw’s Home

H-paw’s Home

Katia and I finally got around to uploading her bitmap gallery.  She’s a big fan of the MS Paint drawing program.  She’s gotten pretty good at using it to make pictures of whatever she’s interested in at the moment, from cats, to Guitar Hero, to Club Penguin.

Check it out!  Make sure to browse through all of the images; a few include her thoughts and description along with the picture.

Welcome to the Jungle

Trader Joe the crocodile.

Trader Joe the crocodile.

Katia had a homework assignment to write a story about stairs.  The title for her story was inspired by playing Guitar Hero! :)

I was in bed.  Bored.  Tired.  But I couldn’t get to sleep.  I was hot.  So I went to the closet to pull out the fan.  But I didn’t find clothes.  I found stairs.  Stairs that weren’t here before.

Being a very curious and brave person, I put a foot on the first step.  It creaked.  I went to the next one.  Then the next and the next.  Finally, light came out of no where.  It blinded me for a second.  Then my eyes adjusted.

Trees, plants, flowers, animals!  My sight was filled with a jungle scene.  Birds flew over my head.  Jaguars meowed a greeting to me from the trees.  Flies buzzed around my head.  I read about this place.  The Amazon!!!!!

I’ve always been a party animal all the time, so I joined the jungle fun.  I talked to the cheetahs, swung around with the monkeys, and relaxed in the sun.  I drank nectar with the bees, ran with the birds, and took a ride on a crocodile in the Amazon River.

Then, I remembered home.  I told my friends I had to go.  But I just couldn’t leave this life of luxury.  So I sat with the jaguars in the trees, drank nectar with the bees, and ran with the birds one last time.  The crocodiles escorted me home.  I ran down the stairs.  This time I didn’t care if they squeaked.  I had breakfast and went to school.  When I came home, I immediately finished my homework.  Then I rushed and opened the closet door.  Inside was dark.  But I heard a squeak.  It was the stairs.  I ran up the stairs, ready to play in the jungle again.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Katia made this card for me and Ms. Nicole.

Check out the Lunch Bag Gallery!

Since Christmas Break, Katia’s Lunch has gone unattended to. We’ve packed, moved, unpacked (still unpacking). We’ve done book reports, gone on field trips, and played/watched basketball games.

Short story is, we’ve been busy living and enjoying life.

With the move, I discovered a lot of Katia’s art that I’ve put aside to scan in. Hopefully I can find it again! She’s also been busy producing art faster than I can keep up. I’ve also done a few more lunch bags and recovered the ones she remembered to bring home.

Today I finished one of the major updates that I’ve been wanting to do for a while; I uploaded all of the lunch bag scans to the Lunch Bag Gallery. I still need to add the descriptions to each pic. But in the mean time, please go check it out!